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Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

my watchlist for 1 agustus 2011


It's a deal: Obama, Congress will avert default

Obama, Republicans seal deal to avert national default, raise federal debt limit, cut spending

, On Sunday July 31, 2011, 9:58 pm

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Ending a perilous stalemate, President Barack Obama and congressional leaders announced historic agreement Sunday night on emergency legislation to avert the nation's first-ever financial default. The dramatic resolution lifted a cloud that had threatened the still-fragile economic recovery and rattled global markets.

The agreement would slice at least $2.4 trillion from federal spending over a decade, a steep price for many Democrats, too little for many Republicans.

The deal, with scant time remaining before Tuesday's deadline for paying government bills, "will allow us to avoid default and end the crisis that Washington imposed on the rest of America," Obama said.

Not just America. World markets showed their relief immediately. Japan's benchmark Nikkei index, opening Monday morning -- at 8 p.m. Sunday on America's East Coast -- was up 1.7 percent in early trading. On Wall Street, U.S. stock futures surged.

Default, Obama said at the White House, "would have had a devastating effect on our economy."

House Speaker John Boehner telephoned Obama at mid-evening to say the agreement had been struck, then immediately began pitching the deal to his fractious rank and file.

"It isn't the greatest deal in the world, but it shows how much we've changed the terms of the debate in this town," he said on a conference call, according to GOP officials. He added the agreement was "all spending cuts. The White House bid to raise taxes has been shut down."

No votes were scheduled in either house of Congress before Monday, to give rank and file lawmakers time to review the package.

Without legislation in place by Tuesday, the Treasury would not be able to pay all its bills, raising the threat of a default that administration officials say could inflict catastrophic damage on the economy.

If approved, though, a compromise would presumably preserve America's sterling credit rating, reassure investors in financial markets across the globe and possibly reverse the losses that spread across Wall Street in recent days as the threat of a default grew.

Even word of an impending deal earlier in the day by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky sent U.S. stock future upward.

Pending final passage, the agreement marked a dramatic reach across party lines that played out over six months and several rounds of negotiating, interspersed by periods of intense partisanship.

"Sometimes it seems our two sides disagree on almost everything," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said in floor remarks.

"But in the end, reasonable people were able to agree on this: The United States could not take the chance of defaulting on our debt, risking a United States financial collapse and a world-wide depression."

Across the weeks, Boehner emerged as Obama's principal Republican antagonist in a new contentious era of divided government, yet struggled to corral his own rank and file at times.

At the end, though, McConnell and Vice President Joe Biden provided a negotiating channel to get the deal completed, including a last-minute standoff over the impact of spending cuts on the Pentagon budget.

semoga market kita hijau

sumber =

dow merah
salah satu penyebabnya adalah masalah debt ceiling di amerika yang belum beres .
silahkan baca di
perhatikan juga laporang keuangan perusahaan .
tetap perhatikan regional (saat ini faktor regional lebih penting dibanding dow)
setia pada trading plan dan money management anda
untuk saham yang sdh naik tinggi gunakan trailing stop
atau taking profit dulu
untuk saham yang sdh turun berhari hari kita nantikan reversal signal
kita ikutan kalau naik dengan volume tinggi
kita hanya ikutan kalau naik dengan volume tinggi

jika pre opening merah

sebaiknya kita nonton dulu
dan awasi saham pilihan kita .
apakah kena batas cutloss kita
jika yah terpaksa cl (sesuai trading plan anda)
jika tidak ya biarkan

untuk bottom fisher kesempatan jika merah
untuk cari barang bagus harga obral

kalau sclaper bebas deh ha ha
begitu ada kesempatan kita scalping
(istilah kerennya "copet")

selalu gunakan trailing stop untuk saham yang sdh naik
seringkali terbukti trailing stop
melindungi untung kita dan
menyelamatkan kita dari rugi karena saham jatuh .
angka trailing stop terserah anda
bisa 2 atau 4 step dari close kemarin.
atau dari high hari ini
selalu setia pada trading plan dan money mangement anda.
sabar dan disiplin kuncinya (SADIS)
selalu perhatikan regional juga
jika mereka semua hijau
maka kita harapkan
pre opening kita juga ikutan hijau

untuk saham yang ada dalam watchlist kita yang sedang turun ,kita tunggu rebound dengan volume besar baru ikutan.

klik gambar untuk mempesar tampilan

pengguna firefox mouse nya klik kanan pilih open link in new tab

dibawah ini hasil explorer
hasil explorer akan lebih baik hasilnya jika market hijau
walau hijau awalnya kemudian
dow future tiba tiba merah dalam ditambah europe merah padam
serta regional jadi merah membara
dan bisa saja market kita jadi merah (walau tdk selalu)
ada kemungkinan hasil screener ini pasti jelek deh

oleh sebab itu jika sudah cuan kabur dulu,
atau jual sebagian ,
kalau mau terus pakai trailing stop
dan jangan lupa selalu pilih saham yang likuid
dan punya fundamental baik

explorer dibawah berguna untuk melihat posisi harga dan indikator
saham wactlist kita

klik gambar untuk mempesar tampilan

pengguna firefox mouse nya klik kanan pilih open link in new tab

keterangan singkat ttg explorer my watchlist

1.entry FT= adalah entry berdasarkan follow the trend trading system

2.entry BO= adalah entry berdasarkan breakout trading system

3.batas entry = jika diatas batas ini resiko lebih tinggi walau tetap bisa naik

4.cutloss = jika jebol angka ini sebaiknya jual dulu.

5.peak =disebut breakout jika tembus angka ini

6.trought = disebut breakdown jika tembus angka ini/cutloss

7. adx ,rsi ,mfi jika berwarna hijau berarti naik dibanding kemarin

explorer ini cuma alat bantu untuk dianalisa lebih lanjut.

setiap entry selalu tentukan cutloss diberapa jika harga turun.

jika sudah cuan kabur ,kalau mau terus pakai trailing stop.

hati hati dengan saham yang sudah naik tinggi ,gunakan trailing stop

sebaiknya teman teman lihat chart lagi ,
pilih saham yang anda kenal tariannya

mudah mudahan berguna

ini cuma buat belajar
tidak ada jaminan apapun
setiap keuntungan dan kerugian yang terjadi
sepenuhnya tanggung jawab anda sendiri
mari belajar bersama

“Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.”

“Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.”

warrent buffet

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
Albert Einstein

The perfect speculator must know when to get in; more important, he must know when to stay out; and most important, he must know when to get out once he’s in.

"apa yang naik pasti turun ,apa yang turun pasti naik
(entah kapan waktunya )

dan apa yang turun ada kemungkinan
tidak naik untuk jangka waktu yang lama
,oleh sebab itu pilihlah saham yang likuid
dan dalam trend naik.

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