tetap perhatikan regional
setia pada trading plan dan money management anda
untuk saham yang sdh naik tinggi gunakan trailing stop
atau taking profit dulu
untuk saham yang sdh turun berhari hari kita nantikan reversal signal
kita ikutan kalau naik dengan volume tinggi
perhatikan juga smcb smgr intp dan property
jika bumi naik perhatikan juga b7
klik gambar untuk mempesar tampilan
pengguna firefox mouse nya klik kanan pilih open link in new tab
tunggu mantul naik dengan volume besar baru ikutan
tunggu mantul naik dengan volume besar baru ikutan
tunggu mantul naik dengan volume besar baru ikutan
tunggu mantul naik dengan volume besar baru ikutan
selalu gunakan trailing stop untuk saham yang sdh naik
seringkali terbukti trailing stop
melindungi untung kita dan
menyelamatkan kita dari rugi karena saham jatuh .
angka trailing stop terserah anda
bisa 2 atau 4 step dari close kemarin.
atau dari high hari ini
selalu setia pada trading plan dan money mangement anda.
sabar dan disiplin kuncinya (SADIS)
selalu perhatikan regional juga
jika mereka semua hijau
maka kita harapkan
pre opening kita juga ikutan hijau .
jika pre opening merah
sebaiknya kita nonton dulu
dan awasi saham pilihan kita .
apakah kena batas cutloss kita
jika yah terpaksa cl (sesuai trading plan anda)
jika tidak ya biarkan
dibawah ini hasil explorer
hasil explorer akan lebih baik hasilnya jika market hijau
walau hijau awalnya kemudian
dow future tiba tiba merah dalam ditambah europe merah padam
dan market kita jadi merah hasil screener ini pasti jelek deh
oleh sebab itu jika sudah cuan kabur dulu,
atau jual sebagian ,
kalau mau terus pakai trailing stop
dan jangan lupa selalu pilih saham yang likuid
dan punya fundamental baik
explorer dibawah berguna untuk melihat posisi harga dan indikator
saham wactlist kita
klik gambar untuk mempesar tampilan
pengguna firefox mouse nya klik kanan pilih open link in new tab
keterangan singkat ttg explorer my watchlist
1.entry FT= adalah entry berdasarkan follow the trend trading system
2.entry BO= adalah entry berdasarkan breakout trading system
3.batas entry = jika diatas batas ini resiko lebih tinggi walau tetap bisa naik
4.cutloss = jika jebol angka ini sebaiknya jual dulu.
5.peak =disebut breakout jika tembus angka ini
6.trought = disebut breakdown jika tembus angka ini/cutloss
7. adx ,rsi ,mfi jika berwarna hijau berarti naik dibanding kemarin
explorer ini cuma alat bantu untuk dianalisa lebih lanjut.
setiap entry selalu tentukan cutloss diberapa jika harga turun.
jika sudah cuan kabur ,kalau mau terus pakai trailing stop.
sebaiknya teman teman lihat chart lagi ,
pilih saham yang anda kenal tariannya
mudah mudahan berguna
ini cuma buat belajar
tidak ada jaminan apapun
setiap keuntungan dan kerugian yang terjadi
sepenuhnya tanggung jawab anda sendiri
mari belajar bersama
“Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.”
“Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.”
warrent buffet
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.Albert Einstein
The perfect speculator must know when to get in; more important, he must know when to stay out; and most important, he must know when to get out once he’s in.
"apa yang naik pasti turun ,apa yang turun pasti naik
(entah kapan waktunya )
dan apa yang turun ada kemungkinan
tidak naik untuk jangka waktu yang lama
,oleh sebab itu pilihlah saham yang likuid
dan dalam trend naik."
Word Of Wisdom From The Greatest Stock Traders.
A speculator must know when he/she could or should over-trade. But once acquiring the habit(over-trading), very few speculators are smart enough to stop. They carried away, and they lose the particular sense of balance so essential to success. They never think of the day when they will be wrong.But that day arrives, the easy money takes wings, and another speculator is broke. "Never make any trades unless you know you can do so with financial safety". – Jessie Livermore. |
Sat, 16th July 2011 |
Be patient. If a trade is missed, wait for a correction to occur before putting the trade on. Be patient. Once a trade is put on, allow it time to develop and give the most worthless piece of advice ever given. Taking small profits is the surest way to ultimate loss I can think of, for small profits are never allowedit time to create the profits you expected.Be patient. The old adage that "you never go broke taking a profit" is maybe to develop into enormous profits. The real money in trading is made from the one, two or three large trades that develop each year. You must develop the ability to patiently stay with winning trades to allow them to develop into that sort of trade.Be patient. Once a trade is put on, give it time to work; give it time to insulate itself from random noise; give it time for others to see the merit of what you saw earlier than they.Be impatient. As always, small loses and quick losses are the best losses. It is not the loss of money that is important. Rather, it is the mental capital that is used up when you sit with a losing trade that is important. - Richard Rhodes' Trading Rules. |
Sat, 9th July 2011 |
Getting familiarity with many symbols, a quick eye, concentrated observation of important transactions, or lack of them, and a studied belief that the philosophy and psychology of the tape are the all-important factors, will bring SUCCESS – success in interpreting movements of prices, although "NOT NECESSARILY SUCCESS IN MAKING MONEY". The later will depend upon your own actions and reactions, your emotions, your ability to act in accordance with your opinions and hundreds of other human factors. ~ Humphery B.Neill. |
Sun, 3rd July 2011 |
When you clearly see a move coming in a particular group, act upon it. But do not let yourself act in the same way in some other group until you plainly see signs that the second group is in a position to follow the suit. Have patience and wait. In time you will get the same tip-off in other groups that you received in the first group. Just don't spread out over the market. Also, do not have an "Interest in too many stocks at one time.It much easier to watch a few than many" ~ Jessie Livermore. |
Sat, 25th June 2011 |
A speculator must believe – Behind any major stock market movement (either in a stock or in the indices), there is an irresistible force . That is all he/she needs to know. It is not good to be too curious about all the reasons behind the price movement. You risk the danger of clouding your mind with non essential. Just recognize that the movement is there and take advantage of it by steering you speculative ship along with the tide. Do not argue with the condition, and most of all, do not try to combat it. ~ Jesse Livermore. |
Sat, 18th June 2011 |
The first and most important rule is – in bull markets, one is supposed to be long. This may sound obvious, but how many of us have sold the first rally in every bull market, saying that the market has moved too far, too fast. I have before, and I suspect I’ll do it again at some point in the future. Thus, we’ve not enjoyed the profits that should have accrued to us for our initial bullish outlook, but have actually lost money while being short. In a bull market, one can only be long or on the sidelines. Remember, not having a position is a position. ~ From Richard Rhodes’ Trading Rules. |
Sun, 12th June 2011 |
There are no sure things or safe stocks. Any stock can go down at anytime and you never know how far it can go down. Every 50% loss began as a 10% or 20% loss. Having the raw courage to sell and take your loss cheerfully is the only way you can protect your yourself against the possibility of much greater losses. Cut your losses short. No more than 8%. In some instance less than 8%. No How? No Why? ~ Bill O’Neil. |
Sat, 11th June 2011 |
Let the market bring the best groups to you through their leaders, instead of being biased in just a few selected sectors within the market. Being biased in the stock market can cause you to lose because of the last opportunities. Being open and objective is the key, as that allows you to have the critical skill of being flexible to whatever the market highly values during certain times. ~ John Boik. |
Sat, 11th June 2011 |
Just as styles in women’s gowns and hats and costume jewelry are forever changing with time, the old leaders of the stock market are dropped and new ones rise up to take their places. When the leaders go up, so the market as whole. In course of time new leaders will come to the front: some of the old leaders will be dropped. It will always be that way as long as there is a stock market. So, Just follow the leaders of the day ~ Jesse Livermore. |
Sat, 11th June 2011 |
To invest or speculate successfully, one must form an opinion as to what the next move of importance will be in a given stock. But don’ act on your opinion “UNIT THE ACTION OF THE MARKET ITSELF CONFIRMS YOUR OPINION” remember “Markets are never wrong. opinions often are.” ~ Jesse Livermore. |
Sat, 11th June 2011 |
“Rome” is not built in a day. So the “FORTUNE” in the stock market. No real movement of importance ends in one day or in one week. It takes time for it to run its logical course. So, have the courage and conviction to sit through a stock until the action of the stock or the market gives you the cause of worry. ~ Jesse Livermore. |
Sat, 11th June 2011 |
Anyone who is inclined to speculate should look at speculation as a “business” and treat it as such and not regard it as a pure gamble as so many people are apt to do. With honest record keeping and committed studying one can over the time, fairly predict the next movement of importance is in a stock. Successful speculation is just “NOT A MERE GUESS” ~ Jesse Livermore. |
Sat, 11th June 2011 |
A speculator has to insure himself against considerable losses by taking the first small loss. In doing so, he keeps his account in order, so that at some future time, when he has constructive idea, he will be in a position to get into another deal, taking almost same amount of stock as he had when he was wrong. ~ Jesse Livermore. |
Sat, 11th June 2011 |
No speculator can be right all the time. Even being right 3 or 4 times out of 10 should yield a person a fortune if he has the sense to cut his losses quickly on the ventures where he has been wrong ~ John Boik. |
Sat, 11th June 2011 |
No speculator can be right all the time. Even being right 3 or 4 times out of 10 should yield a person a fortune if he has the sense to cut his losses quickly on the ventures where he has been wrong ~ John Boik. |
Sat, 11th June 2011 |
‘It is foolhardy to make a second trade, if your first trade shows you a loss’. ‘Never average losses’ . Let that thought be written indelibly upon your mind ~ Jesse Livermore. |
Sat, 11th June 2011 |
As for good stocks and bad stocks, there are no such things; there are only stocks increasing in price and stocks declining in price. ~ Nicolas Darvas. |
Sat, 11th June 2011 |
Confine your studies of movements to the prominent stocks of the day. If you can’t make money out of the leading active issues, you are not going to make money out of the stock market as a whole ~ Jesse Livermore. |
Sat, 11th June 2011 |
The whole secret to winning big in the stock market is not to be right all the time, but to lose the least amount possible when you’re wrong ~ Bill O’Neil. |
Sat, 11th June 2011 |
“Profits always take care of themselves but losses never do” ~ Jesse Livermore. |
Sat, 11th June 2011 |
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